War Room
Coaching Call Club
Coaching Call Club
If you underchallenge yourself, you cheat yourself. And if you underchallenge others, you cheat them too!
To personally equip you with fresh and focused teaching, coaching, and accountability to accelerate all aspects of your personal development through live teaching and interaction with Dave Anderson:
Anyone sincerely committed to accelerating their personal and professional growth, while upgrading the lives of those closest to them, irrespective of industry, experience, title, or current success level.
The Format for DA's
War Room
DA's War Room Coaching Calls are fifty-minute Zoom sessions where Dave teaches and discusses a select topic(s) for thirty-five minutes, followed by fifteen minutes of Q&A from attending members
You'll receive fresh, relevant, and consistent influxes of strategies, inspiration, accountability, and personal attention to accelerate your growth in all life's vital arenas and elevate your morale, your personal fulfillment, your impact, and your results.
These sessions will supplement, reinforce, and expand on topics you've learned at Dave's live seminars, through his books, or from his online courses, to help you further master the essential daily disciplines necessary to reach your goals.
These sessions will help those never before using Dave's training to establish and build upon a highly structured success platform to elevate your excellence in all your life arenas.
To become a member of DA's War Room, call our team at 818-735-9503 or join below.
Grow yourself to change yourself. Change yourself and change your life.